Unit 5. My eTwinning project idea   
I wish I have much more this time of the year it is difficult to reach everything, I now you share my feeling...              


Title: Geometry in our lives
Short description: Maths is a subject that sometimes is hard for some students, and through this project we try to make it more visual and easier to understand.
·         Age of pupils 10-12
·         Number of pupils 40
·         Subjects Maths, English, Arts
·         Tootls to be used.
·         Padlet
·         Colorillo
·         iFunFace
·         Power point and slideshare
·         Youtube
·         Twinspace
·         Jigsawplanet

·         Work Maths contents from a different perspective.
·         Create a collaborative game to be played together at the end of the Project. 
      Apply the contents worked in each classroom to different situations.
      To respect the suggestions of others as their owns.

8-9 sessions
Work process.

We will make international teams where members of each team will work together( in a established sesión per week that  is tha same for the three members)  using the twinspace and tools mentioned above, to work on the maths contents. They will work on “daily live and geometry”, 

“Daily live and geometry”,
THey will have to agree on three pictures found  in pixabay ( a free images repository) about any scene of daily life an they have to find shapes on it and name them. THey should try to find images where there are a lot of them. They will use paint or a similar tool to draw the geometrical shapes on the picture and name them in English. When they have finished they will upload the pictures to a file created with the mane of the group they will and compare them. They can see if they have found the same if some of them made a mistake… At the end they will write their conclusions on a padlet.
THe second activity is designig their ideal classroom plan when they use geometrical knowledge previously worked in class. THey will do it  together using anondraw and writing the dimensión they want for each item they draw.

 Evaluation :

 An evaluation of each activity and the project will be made by the teachers involved as well as by the students using surveymonkey to make their suggestions and reflections.

Expected results.
Each group will create a puzzle using  their images with  “jigshawplanet” Each one will 
 be solved  in the videoconference sesion by the rest of the teams randomly.

Unit 4. Collaboration in eTwinning

  • Use maths knowledge to create a content that will be solved by their peers.
  • Work in a coordinate international team, listening and respecting the opinions of all the members.
  • Solve a content created by other group using their maths knowledge acquired during the school year.
Evaluation criteria:
  •  The students make appropriate deductions when solving challenging problems in a variety of familiar contexts.
  • The students apply  mathematical problem-solving techniques to recognize simple patterns.

My ICT Activity is designed to be done in groups of three students; one student of each participant  country. It consists in designing an activity using colorillo, the twinspace and titanpad.

They will be given this task.
  • Create a situation to be solved using  maths operations and your maths knowledge to solve it  ( going shopping, creating maths problems, drawing geometrical figures to match with their names, fractions ......)
It will take three sesions, at the end of the project. THey have to be online at the same time(teachers will agree the times) :
In one of them students  will  choose the content they`ll prepare and disscuss it in their twinspace via mail. 
 When they have it another gropup will receive the task they have created and they will have to solve the activity  they are given.
When they finish they will vote using  SURVEYMONKEY.

Final product:

Activities designed and solved by the students applying the contents they have previously worked in their classrooms.


Te assessment will give us feedback of how the activity worked for them as well as direct observation in our class while they are working.

Unit 3. Project design



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